Cover Space-Music

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Schindler & OhtaUdo Schindler & Masako Ohta

music in space_空間の音楽

Creative Sources CS 650 CD

Masako Ohta          pleyel piano
Udo Schindler        clarinets & alto horn

  1. Vacillating / Yureugoku – 揺れ動く              29:32
  2. On the Great Day / Oinaru hi ni – 大いなる日に 13:45 The two title names are borrowed from Kenzaburō Ōe (大江 健三郎) – The Flaming Green Tree
    live recording December 06th, 2019 at Salon für Klang+Kunst Krailling/Munich
    by Udo Schindler (arch-musik) as part of the exhibition by Ulrich ‚Phips‘ Fischer: monitorobjekte
    mixed & mastered by Wolfgang Obrecht/Tonstudio RichArt, Munich
    compositions by Masako Ohta & Udo Schindler (GEMA)
    cover photo by Udo Schindler – object wasser-water by Ulrich ‚Phips‘ Fischer
    Inside photos by KP Mendler
    graphic design Carlos Santos
    produced by Udo Schindler
    Executive Production by Ernesto Rodrigues
    thanks for support to Wolfgang Obrecht, Phips Fischer & Specki, KP Mendler, Lothar Chaillié / Kontrapunkt Klavierwerkstatt for preparing my Pleyel Piano & the audience of the vernissage concert
    please also look at the concert videos of the duo Schindler & Ohta by Phips Fischer

    While listening to the 2nd piece, where I play alto horn, I had Déjà-vu impressions and pictures of a car trip to the monastery Rottenbuch (Bavaria) were evident. Back then, maybe 25 years ago, I heard in the car recordings of piano-brass duos by Paul Hindemith (Sonates for Brass and Piano – Bläser-Sonaten) with Glenn Gould on piano. Some passages with Masako made the association of the steep, winding road with the rhythmic play of light and shadows of the forest resound as sound images in the head.
